Indian minister proposes stronger ties with ASEAN in renewable energy

Sep 21, 2024

Indian Minister of Power and New & Renewable Energy R K Singh has said his country and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) together can develop an entire ecosystem for renewable energy (RE) and explore the joint initiative for building RE manufacturing hubs in the region.

Indian minister proposes stronger ties with ASEAN in renewable energy
The ASEAN - India High-Level Conference on Renewable Energy is taking place on February 7 - 8 (Source:

New Delhi – Indian Minister of Power and New & Renewable Energy R K Singh has said his country and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) together can develop an entire ecosystem for renewable energy (RE) and explore the joint initiative for building RE manufacturing hubs in the region.

At the ASEAN - India High-Level Conference on Renewable Energy on February 7, Singh said the two sides can work together to develop an entire ecosystem for renewables that promotes knowledge sharing, capacity building and technical assistance. They can also explore joint initiatives for the development of renewable energy manufacturing hubs in the region.

The conference, themed “Experience and Innovations for Integrated Renewables Market”, is being organised on February 7 - 8 by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy and the Ministry of External Affairs of India.

Singh applauded ASEAN’s efforts to achieve the development of an ASEAN power grid, noting that India foresees opportunities to expand this grid integration beyond the bloc to the Indian sub-continent in line with his country’s “One Sun - One World - One Grid” initiative.

He reiterated India's commitment to work together with ASEAN to establish a strong relationship in the renewables sector based on their historical and cultural ties.

All ministerial participants acknowledged the threat posed by climate change and reiterated their intention to transition to renewables to build a sustainable future. They stressed the need for further strengthening India - ASEAN cooperation in the renewable sector and looked forward to the conference identifying concrete areas and initiatives in this regard.

Retrieved from here.

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