Advertising on InCham Newsletter

Mar 29, 2025

INCHAM Hanoi Newsletter (IHN) is published on a quarterly basis which is such an essentially potential
bridge to bring more opportunities for members to connect with one another more proficiently. Running ads
on IHN for the last two quarters not only has shown its effectiveness but also was its potential for all kinds
of businesses.


In order to make a few changes and increase the quality on IHN, we now charge advertising
fee as below:

Advertising space/Location Rate(VND)
Full page 18cmx28cm 2,000,000/issue
Half Page 18cmx14cm 1,000,000/issue
A quarter page 9cmx14cm 500,000/issue


Please click HERE to visit our latest Newsletter to view the advertisement slot. All advertisement offered
will be displayed on advertisement section.
For enquiries and clarification, please contact INCHAM Hanoi office – Tel: 04 37724248 or send an email

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