
Event Details:
Supported Event

Organizer: Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion Council of India (ESC)

Date: 06/10/2021 to 07/10/2021

Time: 08:00 AM

Venue: Virtual Platform


event description:

The Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion Council of India (ESC) is organizing the Virtual ICT Business Meets between Indian and ASEAN companies from 06-07 October, 2021. 

The objective of the Meets is to offer an ideal platform for direct interaction between Indian companies and international stakeholders, fostering ICT Cooperation Between ASEAN and Indian Electronic & IT Industry. Being a focused Business Event, it is expected to host about 30 Indian ICT SMEs and 60+ IT Buyers from ASEAN region on pre-assigned meeting slots. The participating IT buyers could be from any sector, i.e. Logistics, Healthcare, Pharma, Fintech, Education, Tourism, local IT industry, etc. looking to source IT services / solutions from Indian IT companies.

Interested stakeholders may access the following link to register directly to participate in the Meets: