Vietnam- India Business Forum

Jul 27, 2024

This is a long-term program with the aim to promote investment and trade relationship between Vietnam and India. This is also an initiation of INCHAM Hanoi and VCCI to promote trade and investment between India and Vietnam. An MOU was signed on 28th November, 2008 by then Chairman of INCHAM Hanoi, Mr Rajeev Garg and Mr Pham Gia Tuc, Vice President of VCCI in the presence of Honb’le Presidents of Vietnam and India during the official visit of Indian President to Vietnam.

The Forum will create an active mechanism for further cooperation between Vietnam and India and enhance mutual relationship for the prosperity, development and friendship of our two nations. It will be a bridge for enterprises, business associations and other concerned agencies to exchange information regularly on policies related to economic trade and investment cooperation between Vietnam and India. Besides, the Forum will collect and study the views and suggestion of business enterprises doing business with the Vietnam and India for reflection, recommendation and advice the two State on legal matters and economic policies to solve difficulties/disputes arising in bilateral ties.

With a dynamic and effective organization structure and activities: the Leadership Board composes of some representative leaders of the reputable and big Vietnamese businesses who has been doing business with India, Advisory Board will be representative leaders from relevant Ministries/Agencies such as: Vietnam Government Office, MOFA, MOIT, MPT, MOF, General Department of Custom, Embassies..etc and the Forum’s memberships are Vietnam and India businesses, the Forum will be the effective tools to implement necessary promotion activities to assist for Vietnam and India businesses through its website, seminars, workshops, training courses…From that, the Forum will contribute significantly to promote Vietnam and India investment and trade relationship to a new height in the coming time.

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